Fri. Sept. 10

Japanese 9

There are 4 tasks to complete for Monday

  1. Green Cloud Tools permission sheet to be returned signed please
  2. Hiragana Quizlet – go through this 4 times please – maybe even play a matching game. Here’s the link
  3. Hiragana Practice book – please do pages 4 (puzzle) and 5 (A to TO words)
  4. Unit book (the one with  your number on it).
    1. Page 11 Exercise 7 – you will be listening to people saying hello and goodbye. Check off with one they say. Do not write the names. If you want a reminder of the words before you listen here’s a audio link to me saying them.
    2. Audio for listening for exercise 7

Japanese 10

There are 4 tasks to complete for Monday

  1. Record a video selfie telling me two things you do in your spare time. Also include how you feel about doing those. Upload to the assignment in TEAMS before class on Monday

ひまな時  Activity. Describing word です。そして(and) ______。Describing word です。

EG  ひまなとき バナナを たべます。おいしいです。そして、バナナを のみます。おいしいです。
MEETING – does exactly what is asked to do plus adds 2 voluntary details.
FULLY MEETING –  adds more than 2 voluntary details, intensifiers, and uses one of the describing words in a ‘because’ …
2.Please put the new katakana on your blue chart!
3.Katakana quizlet – please do this 4 times (including doing 2 matching games). Record your matching game times on page 20 of your Katakana booklet. Here’s the link
4. Unit book page 17 –  IGNORE THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE PAGE…follow these instructions
1) number the speech bubbles 1-7. 
2) Then at the bottom of page 16 write  the ‘action word/~ます’ only that they are doing. Eg  someone is playing basketball – write します。
5. Green Cloud tools permission sheet signed and returned

Hiragana review – yes it’s up to you! review link

Want a katakana quizlet? Even if we haven’t learned it all yet Gleb? Here it is…link here..


Japanese 11

There are 3 tasks to complete for Monday’s class and 1 task due by Wednesday:

  1. Readings Book page 9 – all about AstroBoy. colour pdf here atom
  2. Video selfie – information on Teams! Use your talking handout sheet as a reference!
  3. Due by start of class Wednesday: History of Manga – Reading and response – assignment and reading is on the Resources page for Unit 1.
  4. Green Cloud Tools permission form please (the bright green one!)

Hiragana review link

Katakana review link

J9 & J10 Kanji Review game link