Tues. Dec. 1


If you have a question…try the “Q’s for Sensei” channel on Teams…Sensei checks it nightly (last check 9pm). This is a public channel that everyone in the Team sees so if you wish to communicate privately – please send an email!


  1. Learning Check – objects – you will be asked to ‘match’ the hiragana words for objects and to ‘write’ the katakana ones – without a chart.
    1. Matching Quizlet
    2. Writing Quizlet
  2. Today’s Board Notes: Scan from 2020-12-01 11_32_52 AM
  3. Page 37
    1. For each picture you will write 2 (two) sentences using a word from each of the group.
      1. EG   うち   1) すごい うちです。2) すてきな うちです。
  4. THEN you will take the words you chose and combine them into a sentence. You will do two sentences. One with the いin front and one with the ‘doesn’t end in い ’ in front…You will HAND THIS IN….
      1. Using my example from above
        1. すごくて、すてきな うちです。
        2. すてきで すごい うちです。

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