Fri. December 4


If you have a question…try the “Q’s for Sensei” channel on Teams…Sensei checks it nightly (last check 9pm). This is a public channel that everyone in the Team sees so if you wish to communicate privately – please send an email!


We move to hybrid on Thurs. Dec. 17. Please check Teams – you should have received a notice confirming what group you are in! You are asked to “like” the post to show that you have seen it…

Thurs. December 3


We move to hybrid on Thurs. Dec. 17.  This is to make a smaller socially distanced class. However with our 30 people we need to split a little differently to ensure that only half of our class comes at a time. so……
Students with the last name A-K will be Monday/Thursday morning
Students with the last name L-Z will be Tuesday/Friday morning
NOTE: We are looking for a couple of volunteer in  A-K but who would prefer Tues/Fri  Morning please let me know

Your parents/guardians have been sent an email with this information. If this is an issue then please see me. This is to ensure that our class is small enough to be safe in the hybrid environment…

If you have a question…try the “Q’s for Sensei” channel on Teams…Sensei checks it nightly (last check 9pm). This is a public channel that everyone in the Team sees so if you wish to communicate privately – please send an email!


NOTE: Check out TEAMS for a key poll on scheduling our unit assessments….

Learning Check – WRITING the locations in hiragana AND INCLUDING the kanji for on top/under/in front/ left/ right – yes here’s your Quizlet…

  1. On the blank piece of paper on 1 side
    1. Draw your own room to describe to someone else. You must put in 6-7 objects. You can ONLY use the objects from p33 ex7 AND p21 ex 2  …
    2. Then under the picture write out the location of the 6-7 objects (you will be handing this paper in later)
  2. Nonki story – page 20/21 – read the story and draw the room you read about…

Wed. December 2


If you have a question…try the “Q’s for Sensei” channel on Teams…Sensei checks it nightly (last check 9pm). This is a public channel that everyone in the Team sees so if you wish to communicate privately – please send an email!


  1. Learning Check – Describing words – match the word with the meaning….and think about what group they belong to…(“end in い” OR” doesn’t end in い”)…Here’s the list
  2. Kanji – page 9, 10, 11  ENGLISH MEANING TOO (しろ is a dog!)
  3. page 33 ex 6
  4. page 34 ex 8 (audio below)
  5. page 35 ex 12 (audio below)
  6. page 34 ex 8 audio
  7. page 35 ex 12 audio

Tues. Dec. 1


If you have a question…try the “Q’s for Sensei” channel on Teams…Sensei checks it nightly (last check 9pm). This is a public channel that everyone in the Team sees so if you wish to communicate privately – please send an email!


  1. Learning Check – objects – you will be asked to ‘match’ the hiragana words for objects and to ‘write’ the katakana ones – without a chart.
    1. Matching Quizlet
    2. Writing Quizlet
  2. Today’s Board Notes: Scan from 2020-12-01 11_32_52 AM
  3. Page 37
    1. For each picture you will write 2 (two) sentences using a word from each of the group.
      1. EG   うち   1) すごい うちです。2) すてきな うちです。
  4. THEN you will take the words you chose and combine them into a sentence. You will do two sentences. One with the いin front and one with the ‘doesn’t end in い ’ in front…You will HAND THIS IN….
      1. Using my example from above
        1. すごくて、すてきな うちです。
        2. すてきで すごい うちです。